Aspera Faspex and Extending Capabilities with Aspera HTTP for File Transfer Services
IBM Aspera software moves data of any size across any distance with fast file transfer and streaming solutions, built on their award-winning IBM FASP protocol. Aspera allows businesses to securely transfer data anywhere: Big data transport and sync Large-file sending and sharing Transfer automation and …
All About IBM Aspera HTTP Gateway
When a user is unable to or does not want to install and use an Aspera client, the Aspera HTTP gateway allows users to upload and download from an Aspera server. For businesses that require both performance and accessibility, the Aspera HTTP Gateway can be …
Recap: Aspera HTTP Gateway Live Event
As we think about a traditional Aspera transfer from a user or system perspective, Aspera is found on both ends of the transfer. Wherever they are in the world, a user can upload or download content from a data center or cloud, leveraging the Aspera …
Aspera on Cloud Overview: Self Managed vs Saas Transfer
The IBM Aspera on Cloud or AoC offering is a cloud-based file transfer service that allows organizations to transfer files built on the cutting-edge IBM technology known as FASP. Aspera FASP or Fast and Secure Protocol is an incredibly secure and resilient file-transfer protocol that …
How to Prevent Cybercrime
Today, organizations are adopting new security technologies and developing initiatives at an unprecedented rate in order to better protect themselves against cybersecurity threats, data breaches, and data exposure. You may not realize it, but even with massive innovations in technology and data privacy solutions, cybercrime …
What is a Content Management System?
A content management system plays directly into this paradigm shift abstracting away the need for coding to accomplish an application/software design. …
What Is Cloud Security?
To combat the growing risk of cyberattacks, cloud environments are now developed with enhanced cloud security policies to ensure that cloud-based applications and cloud workloads are protected. …
Is Aspera Free?
Is your business looking for an alternative to the outdated and slow traditional file transfer protocols such as FTP or HTTP? If so, IBM’s Aspera is worth considering. IBM Aspera provides an alternative to the traditional file transfer solutions through its patented file transfer solution, …
Switching Aspera HSTS from License Key to Entitlement
This article describes how to switch an existing High-Speed Transfer Server from a license key to an entitlement. …
How do I use the Aspera Connect plugin?
The Aspera Connect Plugin offers the speed, security, and dependability of Aspera offered via a web browser plugin. …