Is SFTP Encrypted?
Transferring files is a crucial part of business for most large companies. When it comes to transferring larger files or large volumes of files quickly, then businesses need to rely on something better than email or flash drives—especially in a remote world. SFTP, or Secure …
Alternative to FTP: The Top Secure Alternatives to FTP
File Transfer Protocol, FTP, refers to a method to transfer files between devices over a network. Originally used as a way for users to communicate and exchange information between two devices, it is now commonly used to store files in the cloud. Basic FTP lacks …
Cybersecurity and Media Streaming Companies
Aspera IBM Aspera focuses on overcoming the limitations that exist when moving big files over long distances. IBM Aspera is a software product that helps users transfer files and content. Companies can send files, regardless of size, at maximum speeds over existing infrastructure and worldwide …
What Clouds are Supported by Aspera and PacGenesis?
Aspera FASP high-speed transport platform provides businesses with a secure form of transportation for files, directories, and other large data sets to, from, and between a number of leading third-party cloud storage platforms. If you already have a Cloud in place at your business, Aspera …
Changing the Configuration of a Running Watch Folder
Introduction IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server (HSTS) and High-Speed Transfer Endpoint (HSTE) include a powerful Watch Folder feature that allows users to easily monitor filesystem changes and automatically transfer them via the Aspera FASP protocol. Watch Folders can be configured through a number of avenues, …
PacGenesis Announced as a 2022 IBM Champion Award Winner
Austin, TX, April 15, 2022 – PacGenesis is excited to announce they have won the IBM Champion Award for 2022, a program that recognizes innovative leaders in the technical community. “I am honored to be awarded as an IBM Champion for 2022,” says Dipak Chocha, …
How to Use SFTP
As technology continues to evolve, the movement of data, information, and content is paramount to most industries. In many cases, transferring a file securely is essential in today’s world. If any gets into the wrong hands, a mistake could lead to a security breach and …
What is End-to-End Encryption File Sharing
Data transfer and file sharing are crucial to running a business in the digital age, but it has led to challenges for many industries. The increase in file-sharing online, the fast-paced work culture, and remote collaboration can pose a risk to companies. The most valuable …
Aspera Shares Automated Backups
Introduction IBM Aspera Shares is a web application that enables companies to share content in the form of files and directories of any size within their organization or with external customers and partners. Shares are powered by IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server, which features the …
Aspera HSTS (High-Speed Transfer Server) Automated Backups
Introduction Your Aspera transfer server is a powerful, customizable hub for your high-speed transfer activity. Configuration settings allow you to control which clients have access for uploading or downloading data, how much bandwidth their transfers can use, the priority of those transfers, and how data …