What is End-to-End Encryption File Sharing
Data transfer and file sharing are crucial to running a business in the digital age, but it has led to challenges for many industries. The increase in file-sharing online, the fast-paced work culture, and remote collaboration can pose a risk to companies. The most valuable …
Aspera Shares Automated Backups
Introduction IBM Aspera Shares is a web application that enables companies to share content in the form of files and directories of any size within their organization or with external customers and partners. Shares are powered by IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server, which features the …
Aspera HSTS (High-Speed Transfer Server) Automated Backups
Introduction Your Aspera transfer server is a powerful, customizable hub for your high-speed transfer activity. Configuration settings allow you to control which clients have access for uploading or downloading data, how much bandwidth their transfers can use, the priority of those transfers, and how data …
Log File Locations for IBM Aspera Web Applications
Introduction IBM offers several customer-managed web applications that extend functionality and enable workflows around high-speed data transfer. Aspera Faspex and Aspera Shares offer end users a friendly web interface for direct file transfers. Aspera Console provides monitoring, management, and reporting capabilities. Aspera Orchestrator allows customers …
Configuring Transfer Hostnames for Faspex and Shares
Introduction IBM Aspera Faspex and IBM Aspera Shares are web applications that give a friendly web interface for end-users to transfer data at high speeds. Faspex and Shares are customer-managed and can be installed and configured in on-premise data centers or in a customer’s public …
Aspera Faspex Automated Backups
Introduction IBM Aspera Faspex is a file exchange application built on IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server as a centralized transfer solution. With a web-based graphical user interface, Faspex offers more advanced management options for FASP high-speed transfer to match your organization’s workflow. This article describes …
OneDrive for Business File Size Limit
Remote work and learning has increased, which means there is a need to reliably and securely transfer and share large files like 4K or 8K video files, CAD files, or large scientific data sets. In Microsoft 365, businesses can store, sync, and share large files …
PacGenesis Attending the NAB Conference 2022
PacGenesis will be attending the 2022 NAB Show from April 24th-26th in Las Vegas, Nevada. They will be showcasing the latest digital content and data transfer solutions along with some of their newest partnerships in cybersecurity. At the National Association of Broadcasters Show, thousands of …
How to Transfer iPhone ProRes Files
Released with the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max and utilizing iOS 15.1 or later, the Camera app can record videos in Apple ProRes. While a useful capability for post-production professionals and a step towards closing the gap between smartphone and cinema-grade cameras, …
Why You Shouldn’t Download Large Files to an External Hard Drive
Whether you’re collaborating with team members or stakeholders or need somewhere to store important files, you may be looking to transfer those large files to an external hard drive. While external hard drives are a great solution for storing files to save your local disk, …