Switching from trapd to pvcl_cloud

The IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server (HSTS) includes the ability to natively read and write object storage within all of the major public cloud providers. This was originally implemented as a standalone service called Aspera Trapd, which was implemented in Java. With the release of HSTS v4.1, a new implementation of this service was written in C, leveraging pvcl and packaged as part of the core code base rather than as a standalone service. This implementation promises faster object storage access with a smaller memory footprint.
In order to leverage this new native object storage implementation, we simply need to create a symlink for the new binary to be discovered, restart asperanoded, and disable the trapd service:
- ln -s /opt/aspera/lib/pvcl/libpvcl_cloud.so /opt/aspera/lib/
- systemctl restart asperanoded
- /opt/aspera/bin/astrap-config.sh disable
Now the Java based trapd service is no longer running and the new pvcl_cloud implementation is enabling read/write to cloud object storage. For more information on this service, you can visit: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/ahts/4.4?topic=cloud-getting-started-aspera-pvcl