Irdeto Promotion
Aspera on Cloud + Irdeto Distributed Watermarking & Detection
PacGenesis has been a long-standing technology partner of IBM Aspera for high-speed file transfer and Irdeto for intelligent content security
The combined solution of Aspera on Cloud with Irdeto DWM allows for cost-effective transport, content tracking, and leak prevention, as each download is individually tracked
Seamless ability to audit content access allows you to track any unauthorized or pirated leaks
Limited-Time PROMOTION:
3 months of Watermark embeds* for renewing Aspera on Cloud Subscription customers
Ability to validate and extend workflows with added security and minimal cost impact. Easy workflow implementation as the watermark is applied directly in the transfer process
*an embed is defined as a forensic watermark on supported formats, through the AoC Packages Application. Promotion includes 3-months of usage and up to 100 embeds created