
What is a Content Management System?

Since 1981, with the inception of the first computer, computing and technology have become more adapted and easy to consume for the general non-technical user. Take for example, the computing technology prior to the Apple computer. During this time, all computing was done through a command-line interface, before the advent of the user-friendly user interface and point-and-click mouse. Well, this progression hasn’t slowed down. Today, we’re seeing the next evolution in the application/software development space that abstracts away the need to write and understand code, rather, a user can accomplish the same outcome via a drag-and-drop interface. 

What Is a Content Management System?

A content management system plays directly into this paradigm shift abstracting away the need for coding to accomplish an application/software design. A content management system at a high-level is simply an application platform that manages content. Often, this platform allows users to define workflows, define how content is organized and managed, and apply a set of procedures to the content itself. A great example of a content management system that almost everyone is familiar with is the explosive popularity of today’s website design platforms. Without any prior knowledge of HTML or CSS, users can build a fully functional website in minutes through the drag-and-drop interface. This user interface front-end allows users to create, edit, collaborate, and present content in a user-friendly manner, all made possible by the “no-code” content management system evolution. 

Another incredible example of this evolution in the content management space comes from the “no-code” AI/ML content management system, Boon AI. Boon AI pairs the most effective Public Cloud AI/ML engines with robust media content management systems to deliver AI/ML driven metadata tagging automation, video speech detection, media archive classification, and more. 

What Is Enterprise Content Management?

An Enterprise Content Management System or ECM is a content management system designed to manage an organization’s documents, files, and unstructured data. And chances are you’re already quite familiar with enterprise content management systems without even knowing it. A simple example of a widely-adopted ECM is Google Drive. With Google Drive, users and organizations can easily and efficiently store files, documents, and unstructured data in the cloud, effectively building robust directories supported by this ECM. 

The great benefit to adopting a modern enterprise content management system is that organizations can use modernized applications and services to enhance their business continuity and efficiency. Take, for example, the simple consideration of consolidating an organization’s critical data in a cloud-native enterprise content management system. In doing so, organizations can benefit from the enhanced built-in security features of the cloud, while also leveraging the collaborative benefits of a centralized cloud-native content management platform.  

Why Use a Content Management System?

By leveraging today’s modern Content Management Systems organizations can remove the need to implement challenging error-prone code and accomplish all of the rich functionality in the application or software solution they seek. For example, during a recent webinar held by PacGenesis titled Machine Learning Content Management with Boon AI Kiel Fox, Sr. Director, Sales stated:

“You still have to develop an application. You still have to prep your assets. You still have to do all of these steps to run them through that API and see what results you get. So what we see with most customers is they end up going through that process. They spend a couple of months, and then they get the results back, and they realize, well, man, label detection really shouldn’t be anything of any value. So in most cases that either, you know, kind of stop there, or they start doing the same test with Azure, with AWS, you know, and so forth, and then just trying to see which gives them the best results. But in most cases, it’s not the fact that the individual APIs aren’t giving you the results that you need. It’s that using APIs by themselves or a single API by itself is never going to give you the results that you need.”

This is the power of using modern content management systems. In doing so, organizations can leverage sophisticated solutions such as Boon AI to capture the rich value of cloud-native AI/ML with the intuitive point-and-click abstraction of the “no-code” content management system.

Next Steps

If you’re looking to learn more about content management systems or the rich offering of content management providers such as Boon AI and 5th Kind, consider reaching out to the trusted team here PacGenesis. With over 10 years of support for organizations that are looking to protect critical applications and platforms through leveraging solutions such as 5th Kind, and Boon AI we’re sure we can help support you on your journey to effective and efficient application security.
With over four hundred customers and nine hundred thousand terabytes transferred, PacGenesis has earned the title of a Trusted Advisor in the data security space, specifically with Media & Entertainment customers. To learn more about PacGenesis, follow @PacGenesis on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, or contact us here.


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