Webinar Registration

Data Migration to the Cloud with Aspera

Aug 20, 2020 10:00 AM PST

Join our webinar to learn how you can migrate big data to the cloud up to 100X faster than legacy transport.

– Are you experiencing long lag times with your current data migration solution?
– Is transferring data over distance an integral piece to your workflow?
– Do you need to transfer data between public clouds?

In this live demo of Aspera, we will be providing a solution to the largest pain point we find with our clients: data migration to the cloud. Q&A included – to answer all your questions!

Go to the full page to view and submit the form.


With over 15 years’ experience in information technology and services, Jason is an expert in cloud computing. Here at PacGenesis, he leads customer-facing software architecture and deployment supporting complex use cases of large digital content workflows across multiple industries.

Jason Warman

VP, Technology @PacGenesis

Mark Eaton

Sales Director @PacGenesis